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I’m just getting started. How can I help?

I want to reduce the impact of my waste electrical and electronic equipment.

“I’m going to recycle the next electrical item I’m getting rid of.”

Zero Waste Scotland has some top tips on recycling your electronic waste, as well as other ways of reducing the impact of our gadgets and limit the need for deep sea mining.

I want to stand up for the ocean.

“I’m going to build my confidence by learning more about the ocean.”

Dive In! is a great place to start. Why not check out some of the other resources signposted in the exhibition?

You can also explore the Become an Ocean Hero quiz and the Discover your ocean power quiz, both from WWF, which are fun ways of learning more about the ocean.

Talking about climate change and the ocean is one of the most powerful actions that all of us can take. I want to use my voice to be a positive influence on other people.

“I’m going to start a conversation about Dive In! on social media. I’ll discuss what I’m learning about climate change and the ocean and share how it’s possible to make a difference.

Climate Outreach have some top tips on how to have a climate conversation.

The Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation also have a short guide on ‘How to Talk About the Ocean so that People will Listen’. You might find it helpful.

I want to consider the seafood choices that I make.

“I’m going to read this guide to seafood labelling to feel more confident next time I see them in a shop.”

Labelling is important, but you can also find out more about which species are sustainable from the Marine Conservation Society or from the Sustainable Food Trust.

I want to be more careful in the way I use energy.

“I’m going to find out more about where energy is used and wasted around the home.”

Home Energy Scotland can help with this.

I want to travel in a way that contributes less to climate change.

“I’m going to walk or cycle for short journeys, and swap out car or taxi journeys for public transport or a car sharing club.

The Scottish Government has a variety of resources to help you walk and cycle safely.

You can explore liftshare’s car sharing option or a similar scheme from Co Wheels.

I want to eat more sustainably.

“I’m going to find out more about how to eat sustainably.”

Food Standards Scotland’s Eatwell Guide is a good starting point.

The Sustainable Food Trust also has lots to get you started.

What will you do to help protect our oceans?

Share your pledge online with the hashtag #DiveInPledge. We’ll share some of them anonymously on this page.