Choose the character below that best represents you. Then click your animal to explore some of the ways that you can help protect our ocean.
I’m just getting started, how can I help?
I’m new to this! Like most people I’m concerned about climate change, and the impact we’re having on the ocean. I do my recycling, and avoid single-use plastic where I can, but I’d like to feel more confident about what else I can do.
I’m going to persuade my friends and family to get involved.
Lantern fish
I know a bit about the ocean from what I learned at school, and it’s impossible to avoid climate change these days, it’s everywhere. It’s definitely something my friends care about (and even some of my family).
I’m ready to make changes, but I’m not sure how I can make the most impact.
Adelie penguin
Greta Thunberg is right, this is an emergency – I think most people realise this now. But it’s not always easy to know what the most effective actions you can take in your own life are – and some things are impossible unless you own your own house, or can afford an electric car. I’d love to understand more about what I can do.
This is an emergency – I’m ready to make some noise about it!
Harbour seal
I care deeply about what we’re doing to the ocean, and I’d say I’m pretty active on climate change. It’s something I read a lot about, and I’ve done a lot of things in my own life to try and cut my carbon footprint. But we need to do more, and we need to persuade politicians to go faster and more people to get on board.